Tuesday, February 18, 2014


For this assignment, I will be using a recipe of how to make chocolate chip cookies. I plan on writting instructions, which will include step by step directions of how to make the cookies, ingredients, and materials needed for the cookies. I will not be including pictures, as I do not think they will be necessary for these instructions.


  1. Can't go wrong with chocolate chip cookies. I agree that pictures are not really needed. I mean c'mon, if you don't know what a chocolate chip cookie looks like, you probably shouldn't be anywhere near a kitchen in the first place.

  2. I mean, unless you're blind. Blind people eat cookies too.

    But yes, cookies of any kind are always a good way to go - and chocolate chip certainly can't be denied. I eagerly await your instructions and the added pounds to my midsection that will surely follow!

  3. I would suggest adding picutres of the general cookie. You may not need specifc pictures for specific ingredients, however a picture of declicious looking cookies can make your instructions that much more appetizing (pun intended)

  4. Great idea. I think maybe you should use include a picture of how they should look when they're done just so the reader knows they've done it right. I also think you should bring samples to class :-)
